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Digital Museum Photos

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. If anyone has missing names of the unknown people in these photos, (including corrections), please email me at

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. If anyone has missing names of the unknown people in these photos, (including corrections), please email me at

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. If anyone has missing names of the unknown people in these photos, (including corrections), please email me at

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. If anyone has missing names of the unknown people in these photos, (including corrections), please email me at

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. If anyone has missing names of the unknown people in these photos, (including corrections), please email me at 

(If you see the initials NFK, the picture was contributed by Camp's photographer, Neil Kadey)

1900 - 1909

So you think you had it rough at Camp - take a look at the ghosts of Camp's past from 1906!

1910 - 1919

1920 - 1929

1930 - 1939

1940 - 1949


The Mural speaks for itself. Originally located in the old Dining Hall, I believe it was painted sometime during the 40s - NFK

The full Dining Hall Mural

The full view of the Dining Hall Mural - NFK

1950 - 1959

1960 - 1969

Cub Scout Pack #33.jpg

Need help identifying the above people


Back, L to R: unknown, Bob Fairneny, Joe Catinella, Jackie Daly, unknown, Chris Attles

Front, L to R: unknown, Tim Collins

Camp Hale 1969.jpg

Top, L to R: Jackie Daly, unknown

Middle, L to R: unknown, Chris Attles,

unknown, Joe Catinella, Bob Fairneny

Bottom: Tim Collins

Camp Hale2.jpg

Top, L to R: unknown, Bob Fairneny,

Joe Catinella, Chicky George

Bottom, L to R: Tim Collins, unknown,

unknown, Chris Attles


I recognize Michael Perella in front

and Chris Attles far left.

Anyone else have any information?

The above photos were submitted by Chris Attles

Top to Bottom, L to R: unknown, Mike King, Jackie Daly, Tim Collins, unknown, Joe DiCecco, Mark Stewart, George Shaheen, unknown - 1966 or 1967

I only recognize George Shaheen 3rd from left


The above photos were submitted by Oscar Anthony

SCN_0002 (2).jpg

L to R: Our intrepid photographer Neil Kadey, Chicky George, Mike John

Bottom: Kenny John

L to R: Richie Mitchum, Rocky DeDominici, unknown, unknown, Bud Burrows, George Shaheen - NFK

Some familiar faces but I can't place any - anyone? - NFK

Jack Costa, 2nd trip, 1968 - NFK

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